Trebuchet Calculator Program In Visual Basic

Trebuchet Calculator Program In Visual Basic

How to Make a Calculator With Visual Basic; How to Make a Calculator With Visual Basic. March 31, 2015. Run your calculator program and do any calculation you.

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Comments: You should have used photo editing software to reduce the file size of the images. Some of your images were over 4000 kb. The file could have been reduced by a factor of at least 10 without any reduction in quality.

See Exceptional project that thoroughly investigates an alternative design to a traditional wind turbine. The student has, investigated, built and tested her working design.

Problem solved and looked at solutions and barriers at every possible angle. The student had provided through research and implications for using her designed technology. Student has thoroughly displayed all of her project contents. The website is user friendly, interactive and uses all available media to display her project, excellent!!! Comments: Great job Kellan – very appropriate and timely topic considering society’s demand for energy efficient products and the amount of days of sun we get in Calgary.

Great experimental data – very detailed and thorough! Impressed that you identified the limitations of your data. It is very important, but difficult, to be objective with your own scientific research!

Your website is well organized and easy to navigate. Your graphs and pictures load quickly are easy to read. Congratulations on a fantastic project!! Comments: An example of a very good VSF descriptive project. The image sources are given, a student make video is provided and a puzzle is included. An attractive website and an interesting topic! I like the blue colour choice for your background colour.

You had a couple of words in pink that may be more difficult for people to see. The electrosensory mechanism you talked about is quite interesting. You have included a lot of good information in your project.

Very few editing errors, especially for the length of your project. Your video loads quickly on a Mac but is slow to load on a P.C. The special effect background on your video is effective. Comments: This project is a summary of the research Kathy performed over the year.

The project is set up to be easy to follow, but correct as to the scientific details. I find the summaries used to be too brief, including methodologies and results, and conclusions. I liked the photos, but the quality of these photos was not good enough to make all of them useful.

Simple Calculator Program In Visual Basic 6.0

More work needs to be done here. I would have liked more work done on future studies. All in all, a nice project, with practical and interesting applications.

Trebuchet Calculator Program In Visual Basic